Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let's get it started

Greetings everyone. 
Jesus instructed us to go out into the world to teach His Gospel.  I know that I have been called, but not in the traditional sense.  Today, I had the unction to create a blog.  Don't get confused however, this will not be a blog about foolish topics.  Instead, this blog has been created precisely to discuss, learn, and meditate on the Word of God.  I expect to stimulate thoughts and conversations that require participants to deeply meditate, pray and study in order to obtain understanding.        
Please be advised that the conversations will have depth, and will often times challenge some of the information we have been told in our local churches.  Remember however, in keeping with the theme of this blog, conversations should be supported with Scriptural references. In other words, denominational interpretations or opinions should be eliminated, as the overall goal is to better prepare us to bring souls into the Kingdom, and of course, give our Father the glory that He deserves.

With this said, I speak Wisdom and Understanding over everyone who enters this space.
Health and Prosperity to all. 

Let's get it started!!!